Service Programme
Through service activities, students contribute to the community in a ‘sprit of generosity’, and also gain important skills in planning, evaluation, reporting, leadership and communication, and in some cases also in research, all with guidance from College teachers.
Service Learning and Service Programmes
Service in the College
Students can contribute to the College community (e.g., communal dining, full residence, cultural events and workshops, tuck shop) through activities implemented through College Committees on Service, General Education, Catering and Canteen Management.
Social and community service in Hong Kong
Projects, often in partnership with NGOs, begin with learning about social issues, followed by field visits to see the actual needs and practices. Early planning will allow development into a Service-Learning project under the College GE Programme.
The CWC Service Team (see below) runs a summer project in partnership with local schools, to serve disadvantaged students.
Credit-bearing Service Learning programme and requirement
There is a credit-bearing Service Learning requirement for students entering in 2024 and thereafter. See the GE course pages GECW4022 College Project (Service) and GECW4030 Service.
Overseas opportunities
Students are encouraged to participate in overseas service and related opportunities. Past examples include a visit to the Yunus Centre in Bangladesh to learn about social entrepreneurship in a developing country, and medical service trips to Watoto in Uganda, and to Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia.
Other service opportunities on and off campus are offered by different units, e.g., the ‘I•CARE’ Programme. See
Service-Learning (SL) Fest
The College will organize a Service-Learning Fest towards the end of Term 1, in which service projects will be showcased through poster presentations, and the next cohort of students can be prompted to think about their own service-learning activities.
Service Team
The CWC founding cohort established a College Service Team in 2012–13. The project ‘Understanding Socially Disadvantaged School Youths through a Social Service Endeavour’, first launched in summer 2013, has grown and evolved through the ensuing years. With funding support from The D. H. Chen Foundation, the project targets socio-economically disadvantaged and academically weaker students from two secondary schools, and engages them in an interactive project each summer.
With prior planning, it is possible to link approved service experience to the service-learning project under College General Education Programme mentioned above.
College Office
G/F, CW Chu College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR